I haven’t been employed with Bona Vista Programs for very long. However, like some of you, I have volunteered for the organization for many years in different capacities, and thought I had a pretty good grasp. I thought I would take this platform, though, to tell you about things I thought I knew about Bona Vista Programs that I never really knew at all.
I’m sure you’re thinking this is going to be dull because you already know everything about Bona Vista, right? Bona Vista serves adults and children with disabilities, puts on some pretty great events and what else could you possibly need to know? My answer would be, “So. Many. Things.” That description of Bona Vista Programs doesn’t even begin to describe all that goes on in a given day with the more than 2,000 people we serve. That’s right! I said 2,000 every single day.
For example, are you familiar with our adult day alternative program Sky’s the Limit? A day in Sky’s the Limit includes a short social time in the morning to get acquainted with one another. Next, the persons served have morning sessions with two classes, a break in between and an interactive lunch. The afternoon session includes two more classes with another break in between. Does this sound like what you thought Bona Vista Programs would be like? No? Then let me keep going.
“Today’s the Day” is their current events-focused class where they use newspapers and discuss what is happening in Kokomo and around the world. “Hello Friend” is their class about
![During "Down on the Farm" week in the Sky's the Limit program, the persons served had a a visitor -- Rocky the Goat!](http://bonavista.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/goat1.jpg?w=300)
relationships. Teachers work with a curriculum to discuss a circle of safe people, proper language, how to dress and manners. “Here’s the Dish” is their cooking-centered class where they work on learning the food groups, make meal plans, talk about recipes, learn proper food prep, how to set the table, how to serve a meal, and, of course, how to cook different items.
Each individual in the program has goals. Those goals are different for each person and may include things like focusing on a task, answering questions, developing fine motor skills, implementing healthy lifestyles and practicing social skills. Each day is productive, meaningful and so much fun!
Let me tell you what it’s not, though. It’s NOT “glorified babysitting.” It’s NOT “a waste of time.” It’s NOT “meaningless.” To our persons served it is their life, their time and their meaning. They are worth something!
Do you want to learn more or take a tour to see for yourself? Do you want to volunteer & help enrich the lives of the people we serve? Do you want to get paid to work with the amazing adults we serve every day? Call Bona Vista Programs at 765-457-8273 to do any of those things or visit our web site – www.bonavista.org – for more information!
Until next time…keep a good view on life!