It’s time for your regularly-scheduled programming: Things I bet you don’t know about Bona Vista (or at least things I didn’t know when I started my employment).
Child Care Solutions has a lending toy library! That’s right! Just like you would go to the Kokomo-Howard County Public Library with your library card and check out books or DVDs, you can go to Bona Vista’s Child Care Solutions building, 123 N. Buckeye St., and check out age-appropriate toys for the child in your life for FREE!
You might be thinking, “Why would I even want to do that?” Good question! If you have the

responsibility for a child whether they are your own or maybe you babysit often or whatever the case may be, you know that there are certain toys children play with regularly. Then, there are those “other toys” that you’ve spent a decent amount of money on that they never play with. The lending toy library is a great way for you to “check out” certain toys to see if the child will play with them or not. If you borrow a toy and the child plays with it twice and never looks at it again… then you just saved your money since you didn’t buy it!
I wish I would have known about this when my children were young. It would have saved me putting nearly-new toys in a garage sale hoping to get pennies back on what I spent. All of those Christmas “must-haves” that were sitting in the bottom of the closet by the end of January. You know what I’m talking about, parents. This is a FREE resource for you to check toys out for three weeks to see whether or not they are worth your hard-earned cash. They even have themed boxes if there’s something specific that you’re wanting to work on with your child!
If you’re not familiar with Child Care Solutions, they are a resource and referral agency serving 11 counties in Indiana that helps parents who are looking for licensed or regulated child care with developmentally-appropriate practices. If you’ve ever had someone ask you about childcare or where you would recommend they take their child, this is the number to give them (765-452-8870) for peace of mind. By calling that number, they will get child care resources from professionals who are not just familiar with Howard County, but all surrounding counties as well! Remember: this FREE service is available by calling 765-452-8870 or 1-800-493-3231.
Until next time…keep a good view on life!