The Action Inspired and Motivated – AIM program is for adults who qualify for adult day services and have a desire to create items and earn some money.
The AIM (Action, Inspired, Motivated) program is just one of many adult day service programs offered to our persons served at Bona Vista Programs.
Through the AIM program individuals have the opportunity to create many types of handcrafted AIM gift store items. Products are for sale to the public through our Art Gallery.
Each person served receives whatever their product sells for. The program features equipment used to make items like our kiln, where pottery can be painted, glazed and fired. Sewing machines and personal looms for creating material made items like blankets, aprons, apparel items, a pottery wheel and much more.
Products made in the AIM program are available for purchase in our local gift shops:
BV at the Crossing; 1221 S Plate St, Kokomo, IN; M-F 8am-4pm
These individuals also participate in local community craft shows.