Behavior Management Therapy
Our behavior therapists work alongside the child’s team, consisting of staff, family and case management, to identify behavioral issues that hinder the individual from reaching their maximum potential. Once issues are identified, the therapist then puts together a plan and strategy in place to monitor and appropriately address the behavioral concerns.
Individual’s services are funded through the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (BDDS) and are funded through the Family Supports Waiver (FSW) and Community Integration and Habilitation (CIH) Waiver. The phone number for BDDS is 574-232-1412. If you do not currently have a waiver for services, please contact BDDS and they will assist you in completing the waiver application. Private pay services are also available.
If you are interested in Bona Vista’s Behavior Management Services, please contact Meredith Freeman at 454-5997, extension 25.