About the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS)
What is BDDS?
The Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services
provides services for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities that enable
them to live as independently as possible in their communities. BDDS assists individuals in receiving
community supports using a person-centered approach to help determine which services are needed
and who can best provide them. Listed below are the array of services provided by BDDS.
What are Home- and Community-Based Medicaid Waivers?
BDDS offers two home- and community-based Medicaid waivers, known as the Community
Integration and Habilitation Waiver and Family Supports Waiver. These provide services to children and
adults in a range of community settings as an alternative to care in an institutional setting. The waivers
serve persons with an intellectual or developmental disability who have substantial functional
limitations in at least three of six major life areas: mobility, capacity for independent living, selfdirection,
self-care, learning and understanding, and use of language.
Participants may choose to live in their own home, family home or community setting appropriate to
their needs. Participants develop a Person-Centered Individualized Support Plan guided by an
Individualized Support Team. The individual/guardian-led team develops a plan that aligns with the
wants and needs of the individual being served.
What is Supervised Group Living?
A group home or Supervised Group Living is a residential option and alternative to waiver
placements for eligible individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities needing services.
There are almost 500 Supervised Group Living homes in Indiana with a capacity to serve over
3,000 individuals. Homes are licensed and governed by state and federal regulations and have
an annual re-certification.
What are Caregiver Support Services?
Caregiver Support Services provide temporary respite to families caring for eligible persons with
intellectual and developmental disabilities who are residing with the family or legal guardian. These
supports can be provided in the primary caregiver’s and person’s home or in a community setting.
Caregiver Support Services are furnished on a first-come, first-served basis as funds are available.
The service is designed to provide temporary relief of the primary caregiver to the greatest number
of eligible families within the available funds.
How do I apply for services or find out if I qualify?
To apply for services or to determine if you may qualify, please contact the local BDDS
office near you. To find your local BDDS district field office, visit http://www.in.gov/fssa/.