
March 27, 2019

Kokomo Huddle

Kokomo Huddle

March 27, 2019

Kokomo HUDDLE meets every Wednesday at the Kokomo Family YMCA at noon. The day begins at precisely 12:10 PM and concludes at 12:50 PM.

Each week is a stand-alone message and requires no preliminary study.

To grow, strengthen, and encourage men to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known in our community.

1. Engage men in the study of God's Word.
2. Make known God's plan of salvation
3. Provide a safe environment for men to discuss spiritual matters.
4. Equip and encourage men to apply Christian teachings to their lives.
114 N. Union Street
Kokomo, IN 46901
United States
(765) 457-4447

More information

Lifetree Cafe

Lifetree Cafe

March 27, 2019

March 27th – Lifetree Café will be at 6:30 pm at Peru Public Library.  This “conversation café” is part of a national network of locations that offer participatory events related to life and faith.  For questions about Lifetree café call Andrea Hammersley at 765-863-3701 or email at horse4bh@yahoo.com.