Bona Vista has opportunities for you to job shadow a position or for an internship with one of our departments.
Individuals who wish to job shadow at Bona Vista may be required to have a TB test on file depending on the length of the job shadow activities. Individuals who wish to complete an internship at Bona Vista will be required to have a TB test of file prior to the initiation of the internship.
Individuals who will need to have paperwork related to their job shadow/internship duties completed by Bona Vista management will be required to inform the departmental supervisor in advance of the completion deadline.
Job shadows and internships are often performed in Bona Vista’s Early Childhood Services program, Positive Results For Kids therapy program, development department and adult direct care services areas. Duties within this area will be dictated by departmental needs and job shadow/internship expectations.
For more information and details contact:
Call us at (765) 454-5340 or email us at
For the hearing impaired please use our TTY line: 765-868-4698.