Quality Management
We strive for high quality as our corporate responsibility. Bona Vista focuses on quality in every program and service we offer. We are committed to the highest standards that guide us in our daily operations. We utilize tools, such as surveys from individuals using our services, steering committees, and policy councils to gather input from all of our stakeholders. This input allows us to identify our customers’ needs and then create new services or improve current programming to best meet those needs. Bona Vista also utilizes outcomes management in all departments to ensure quality and success of services and programming.
As further proof of our commitment to the highest standards of quality and success, Bona Vista has received accreditation’s in many of its programs and services. Several of our programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), including our Respite service, Behavioral management, Supported Living Services, our WorkForce Diversity program and our Habilitation adult day services. Our Full-Day Preschool and Early Head Start programs are currently participating in the State of Indiana’s Paths to QUALITY, a statewide rating system for child care centers, and are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Additionally, our Early Head Start program has a five star accreditation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Bona Vista’s Child Care Solutions program is accredited with the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) Quality Assurance Program. Our quality processes meets all applicable regulatory & statutory requirements both from our internal and external customers, thereby assuring mutually beneficial and lasting relationships with our customers, employees, and our community.
Corporate Compliance
Bona Vista Programs, along with its President and Board of Directors, has adopted a program of corporate compliance to ensure that its programs are administered, and that officers, staff and all others acting in a capacity for the organization act in accordance with all ethical standards and governing federal, state and local laws and regulations. To ensure the success of the corporate compliance program, Bona Vista Programs has designated the Director, Compliance & HR as the person responsible for the oversight of this program and as the contact person for officers, staff and other stakeholders to report concerns or instances of unethical or illegal conduct.
Bona Vista Programs understands the importance of ensuring that all employees have a clear understanding of their responsibility to act in accordance with all policies and applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, Bona Vista Programs utilizes outside auditing and accreditation entities as necessary to ensure all programs and departments run in accordance with legal and agency-wide standards. Bona Vista Programs maintains a high level of integrity programmatically and fiscally, and all programs are expected to run in accordance with governing guidelines.
Any questions or concerns regarding Bona Vista’s corporate compliance policies or corporate responsibility should be directed to the Director, Compliance at 765-457-8273.